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Her parents were very nice. Abby got all settled in. She just finished high school and came to the college on a cheerleader scholarship. She is very good looking, nice tits, perfect ass, olive complexion with these huge dark eyes and long dark hair. A real looker for her young age. We hit it off from the start but that is the way it goes with all my tenants. Abby and I talked often as she settled in to the college way of life and being away from home. After a few weeks I was having trouble. Not really what I wanted to say. I wasn’t sure I wanted exclusivity with Jen, but I knew I didn’t like seeing some other fucker maul her. ‘Fuck you!’ She hissed. ‘We’re friends, Ben. Nothing more!’ ‘We’re not fucking friends, Jen. You wanna act like a fucking slut, fine. I’m fucking done with this shit!’ I turned and walked out of the bar. Jen 1 ‘Jennifer! Come on!’ Anya yelled at me. I did a final adjustment to the girls and hurried to the living room. ‘Ok. Ready.’ I huffed at my best. I was surprised this time to notice how it shot out in spurts in response to my milking strokes. OH, THAT FEELING!! I quickly cleaned up and went to bed… anxious to share my newfound knowledge. The next day my friend found me at lunch and asked if “everything” was still ok. I assured him that it was, and that I had something wonderful to show him when we got home. After school, we retired to our usual place and quickly stripped down. My penis was already hard with. After several minutes of what could be described as worshipping my balls he goes back to his corner of the sauna bench and masturbates. Fondling my balls must have been a major turn on for the professor because he quickly reached organism. I found it enjoyable as well and also came quickly.After one Friday encounter the professor asks me to not have sex or masturbate until we meet again. He wants to see how much I can cum if I am not sexually active. Thinking it would be interesting I agree. A.
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